Life changes for the better after achieving psychological distance from a narcissistic family system.

Let me know if you identify with anything in the list below:

  1. You feel psychological and physical discomfort at the thought of contact with some family members.
  2. You can’t really be yourself around your mom, dad or other family member. 
  3. You’re aware they’re either not interested in you, or will actively use something against you.
  4. You have to constantly walk on eggshells.
  5. You have a hard time knowing who you are, what you actually like, or what has meaning.
  6. You don’t see yourself as an adult in certain areas of your life, maybe you don’t feel capable of fully taking care of yourself.
  7. You feel a prisoner to your parent’s whims. It’s like your life isn’t even your own. 
  8. You feel deep guilt at secretly wishing you could set boundaries with one or more family member. You secretly wish for greater freedom or darker things.


How can being raised in a narcissistic family system affect a person?

These are some ways you may be affected:

  1. You may have a greater chance of developing C-PTSD, mood disorders and personality disorders.
  2. You can’t seem to find safety, guidance, or peace in your own skin. Something’s always off!
  3. You neglect yourself in various ways. Maybe you give up on dreams, don’t brush your teeth or deprive yourself of desired social interaction.
  4. You remain in work conditions and relationships you dislike because you’re scared of losing the little you have.
  5. You experience loss of sense of self.
  6. You can hear your narcissistic family member’s voice wearing you down internally.
  7. You feel imprisoned with no way out. 
  8. You can’t seem to make relationships work, you experience deep negativity in this area because of drama or isolation.
  9. You wonder if there’s another you on the other side of breaking free from your family system,

There's a future you who is bold, wise and unique that you can meet as you individuate, but what is individuation?

Individuation means becoming who you truly are. It takes time for anyone to get to know themselves but we may get lost in our parent’s projections when we come from a narcissistic family system.

When we forget our own needs, self-image, voice and preferences, we feel disconnected from life. As you learn practical tools to reconnect to your essence the next step becomes astoundingly clear and you begin to trust life and yourself. 

You discover hidden talents and no longer tolerate dense, unhappy relationships and situations. You fight for yourself and gain real-world confidence and enjoyment from being you. You distance yourself from toxicity and nurture healthier relationships. You put an end to self-sabotaging cycles.

What do you learn in The Individuation Project?

  1. You learn how to ground yourself so you can hear your inner voice. You do this using emotional regulation techniques.
  2. You create space between feeling a reaction and choosing how/if you’re going to externalize it.
  3. Within that space, you let your inner voice dictate what course to take and feel a lot more confident, aligned, and at peace.
  4. You learn you can feel guilt and fear and still take action towards listening to and following your inner compass. You fight for yourself despite discomfort, it pays off!
  5. You identify when you’re listening to your family’s voice in your head and when you’re listening to your inner compass. You make the regular effort to be in touch with your compass.
  6. You establish whatever boundaries your inner compass needs. You trust this internal guidance and build a sense of self from following it.
“My greatest win was learning a technique for coping with my feelings of inadequacy. It was truly a visceral and emotional shift. I felt so much power take hold inside! It was so incredible, it’s actually hard to describe.”
Fernanda Fontes

What do you get in The Individuation Project?

  1. 16 modules with videos and pdf.s teaching the essence and practical tools for individuating from a narcissistic family system.
  2. 7-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
  3. You get to interact with me and other students in the comments sections. Ask questions, and share your journey. You don’t have to be alone!
  4. You get my other program for children of narcissists. The Inner Mastery Lab (value: USD 325). This program got great reviews and you can get full access right after purchase.
  5. You have access to both programs for  1 year.
“Self-awareness and freedom! I felt so at home and understood. It really makes us believe in ourselves again. I gained so many new skills aimed at dealing with feelings of helplessness and failure.”
Aline Domingues

Who is Taryana Rocha?

I’m a psychoanalyst, coach, daughter of a narcissistic family system and therapist supervisor and trainer.

I created the first products and services catered to adult-children of narcissistic family systems in the Portuguese language.  I’ve been doing this for 8 years and specialise in trauma treatment, codependency and personality disorders.

My approach is based on concepts from:

  1. Schema therapy.
  2. Inner Family Systems,
  3. Sarri Gilman, psychotherapist and boundaries specialist
  4. Murray Bowen, creator of systemic therapy.
  5. Neuroscience
  6. Psychoanalysis

My work became known through interviews on radio, TV and podcasts throughout Brazil and Africa.

Client testimonial: “In my opinion she was perfect for what I was seeking! Taryana’s work is human, beautiful, welcoming and loving. She knows what she’s talking about in two ways: she’s been there and she’s studied it. She knows how to guide us along the healing journey.”
Tássia Machado

What my clients say about my work:

It’s possible:

  1. To have relationships where boundaries, respect and acceptance exist.
  2. To feel powerful in your own skin, capable of making your own decisions, creating your own reality, taking care of yourself and doing whatever you want.
  3. To discover your talents, build a sense of self e and to feel fulfilled.
  4. To recognize and process your emotions as they arise and curb self-sabotaging behavior.
  5. To feel truly free to completely ignore your family’s opinions, or anyone’s opinions, if they don’t truly serve your greatest development.
  6. To learn how to say no, how to say yes, how to engender respect in all your relationships and communicate your needs clearly.
  7. To feel connected to and excited about life.

My aim is to give you practical tools, meant to be used moment by moment, to first, know what is best aligned with your true nature, then act in this alignment.



  • When the mind is sane, it makes correct decisions
  • Learn how to identify, trust and obey your inner compass, the sane part of your mind.
  • Do 1% each day and forgive yourself for the rest.
  • Get your attitude and strategy right to make the shift you’re looking for possible. Excessive, debilitating perfectionism may be a major hurdle for adult-children of narcissists, who may have low resiliency towards their own imperfection. Learn how to face this so you actually evolve in your process.

  • Your inner compass
  • Develop a sense of self that’s based on your true values rather than your family’s. 

Empowerment Vs. Powerlessness

  • Gain a sense of control through learning how to focus on what you actually influence and see how much more empowered to deal with all things related to pathological narcissism you feel.

Trauma, the brain and emotional regulation.

  • Learn how trauma affects your nervous system in the long run, how this is messing with your sense of reality and learn how to reprogram your automatic psychological responses in practice.

Basic Parts Work

  • Learn an incredibly effective and intuitive tool for understanding and transforming repetitive, self-sabotaging behavior.

Realign Your Attitudes to Point B

  • Figure out how a future where you’re connected to your inner compass looks like and walk towards it strategically. Know exactly what will and will not take you to where you want to go.

Your Inner Child

  • Gain a practical technique for dealing with the most vulnerable parts of your psyche in a safe and transformative way, watch how this changes how safe you feel in your own skin over time.

What they told me and how I prefer to see it

  • Discover how you may have absorbed or even created distorted beliefs in response to being raised in a narcissistic family system. Correct these beliefs according to your true values.

Healthy Boundaries

  • Define what your personal boundaries are and give yourself permission to make them be subjective and personalised. 

What keeps you tied to the narcissistic individual.

  • Uncover which specific triggers make it hard for you to gain psychological freedom from the narcissistic individual in your life.


Forgive your past selves

  • Give yourself grace for past decisions you made when you were less aware.

The valley of the shadow of death

  • Understand what to expect in your rebirth process and how to interpret and face the darkest hours. Don’t give up and keep going when you think all is lost.


  • Understand what to expect from the grieving process as you update your expectations of what is and isn’t possible regarding the narcissistic parent in your life. Process the many stages of this, often painful, acceptance process and rebuild from the ashes.


  • Get to know yourself and what you’re naturally good at, learn how to derive satisfaction and evolution from feeling your own, unique self and using your natural tendencies to your advantage.

How to guide yourself from here on

  • Get clear on the basic, foundational principles that will define your relationship with yourself, others and life from nw on.

Do you still have questions? Please get in touch via: