
Hi! My name is Taryana Rocha I am an entrepreneur, certified psychoanalyst, and artist (among other things).

As a professional, I facilitate your journey back to your inner wisdom, peace, and courage.

Here is a little bit of information about my education:

I have degrees and certificates in business,  coaching, and Psychoanalysis degree.

And a little bit about me…

I’ve done lots of things: I used to draw, now I sing, I’ve competed in a pole dance championship, I flew around the world as a flight attendant for ten years, I studied seven languages and wrote a book about how to be fluent!

I’ve always liked learning things. Languages, ways of making money, psychoanalysis, how to reach goals, artistic abilities: my deal is learning.

That’s why I see myself as an apprentice of life! This means that I treat every person and situation in front of me as a lesson in disguise.

I see life as an exciting game where, if I can extract the lesson in every situation, I level up.

My commitment to myself is to learn and continuously expand. When I commit to active, eternal learning: life gives me everything I want. After all, anything you can’t do now, you can learn.

The way I extract lessons from life is through my True Self, that tells me what is sane and what is insane. The True Self is a part of every person that sees reality and all its potential. It will tell you what is personally true for you.


The trick is obeying this True Self. I dedicate my life to this. By doing this, I’ve learned one thing:

If you work from your True Self, no matter what other people think or what the conditions are, miracles happen.

The first miracle is that you receive answers. When you take the time to build a safe, cozy inner space, things are calm enough for you to hear instructions from your True Self.

The second miracle is that the universe opens up to you. Serendipitous people, circumstances, and opportunities pop up. You feel connected to yourself, life, and other people as you observe that all of your experiences lead to expansion if you actively look for the lesson.

You overcome things you never thought possible, stop self-sabotage, create healthy routines and eliminate the unhealthy ones. You start believing in yourself, in your crazy dreams and personal power.

I believe the only way to feel fulfilled is by connecting to this inner wisdom. You are your solution: your True Self.

Be everything you want to, explore all the nooks and crannies of your Self. Take responsibility for obeying that little voice inside you. 

I can’t wait to see you radiate your light! If you’ve read up until here, thank you for visiting this page.

I wish you true love, and may it start with true love towards yourself.